THz功率计TK Absolute Terahertz Power-Energy Meter 太赫兹功率计 The system is comprised of two parts 1. The power meter head. 2. The support unit, based on a National Instruments USB-6211 data acquisition module. Specifications Measures power in free-space beams Displays power on a computer Fully automatic absolute calibration using electrical film heating under software control Frequency dependent window loss correction Accuracy better than 10% NEP typically 5µW/Hz½ For energy measurement the typical NEJ is about 1µJ Broad Band: 30GHz to 3THz and beyond Sensitive Area greater than 30mm in diameter 太赫兹功率计 THz Power Meter Real Time Laser Beam Power Analysis (CW and pulsed sources) Transmittance and Reflectance Measurement of Materials Laser Alignment and Detection tool
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